The Prophetic Internship
With Mike Blinn
1 Corinthians 14:1-3 TPT
It is good that you are enthusiastic and passionate about spiritual gifts, especially prophecy. When someone speaks in tongues, no one understands a word he says, because he’s not speaking to people, but to God—he is speaking intimate mysteries in the Spirit. But when someone prophesies, he speaks to encourage people, to build them up, and to bring them comfort.
1 Corinthians 14:31 (TPT)
For you can all prophesy in turn and in an environment where all present can be instructed, encouraged, and strengthened.
If you want to go deeper with your prophetic gift, whether you are just stepping into your prophetic gifts, have been flowing with your prophetic gifts for a long time or somewhere in-between, this internship may be right for you.
The primary goals of this internship include the following (but not limited to):
To help mature your prophetic gift and leadership skills in a safe environment
To identify how you receive prophetic words and to identify and practice different ways you can hear from God (activations during monthly meetings and one-on-One meetings)
How to deliver prophetic words including making you comfortable in releasing words to individuals or large crowds and everywhere in-between
During this internship, the primary goals will be accomplished by:
On a monthly basis, assign two interns to each other to practice one-on-one flowing in the prophetic (it will be different each month)
Reading and discussing on a monthly basis two to four chapters (You May All Prophecy by Steve Thompson and Words of Knowledge by Rany Clark) during the School Year. This will be discussed during monthly meeting(s)
Monthly meetings. During each monthly meeting(s), we will:
Discuss two to four chapters of assigned books mentioned above
Discuss how the one-on-one prophetic ministry went with other intern(s)
Have fun, but meaningful activations to help develop your prophetic giftings
Encourage one another to prophesy with confidence
Have the opportunity to develop and prepare, on a rotating basis among interns, activations for Y2
Have the opportunity to be a part of the prophetic team as a leader. This includes:
Leading a prophetic room
Prepare, as a team, a lesson (brief, 15 minutes) to provide training to prophetic team leaders and Y2 Students
Other opportunities to flow with your prophetic gifting in different school settings
Meet one-on-one with me on either a monthly or bi-monthly basis (depending upon # of interns)