In the Old Covenant "schools of the prophets", were instituted for the training of prophets. Such "schools" were established at Ramah, Bethel, Gilgal, Gibeah, and Jericho.

Unlike the Old Covenant where prophets were the only ones to be trained in the prophetic gift, the New Covenant has opened up prophetic training for all through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the fivefold ascension prophet. 

On the day of Pentecost, Peter declared that unlike the more limited exercise of prophecy during the time of the old covenant, God would henceforth pour out his Spirit “on all people” (Acts 2:17). Peter said the result would be a fulfillment of God’s words: “Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy” (Acts 2:17-18).

GCSSM Prophetic Activation School was created to activate the everyday believer in understanding and operating in the gift of prophecy.

This year we are offering three separate modules. If you complete all three modules you will be eligible to take part in our special graduation ceremony with a special impartation prayer from prophet Stacey Campbell.

The three modules are:

Module One: Foundation for New Covenant Prophecy

  • Learn the Call for All to Prophesy

  • Learn the Three Ways Prophecy is Delivered

  • Learn How to Remain Balanced While Operating in the Prophetic Gift

  • Learn How to Judge the Accuracy of a Prophetic Word

Module Two: The Model of Prophetic Interpretation

  • Learn How to Understand God’s Parabolic Language

  • Learn the Biblical Patterns and Ways of God’s Voice

  • Learn the Step-by-Step Process of Interpretation

  • Learn the Meaning Behind Colors, Numbers, and Symbols

Module Three: The Science of Dream Interpretation

  • Learn the Science of Dreaming

  • Learn the Biblical Foundation for Dream Interpretation

  • Learn How to Interpret Your Dreams

  • Learn How People from the Bible Interpreted their Dreams

You can choose to do one, two, or all three modules. Only those who complete the three modules will be eligible for the graduation ceremony in May of 2023. All three modules will be offered twice between October 2022 and April 2023. The curriculum for these schools is brand new so if you have done our schools in the past these will have new information in them. If you can’t make the Modules LIVE the replays will be available for one year.


Until my salvation I had many disturbing nightmares but then I seemed to stop dreaming and I only can remember a handful very vivid dreams I knew they were from the Lord. The very few times I still had a bad dream, I just tried to ignore it. Yesterday I felt the Lord would open this dormant communication flow to me and really, I woke up and remembered a dream I just had. First I thought, that's just nonsense, but than I startet to apply the principles you shared and to ask the Holy Spirit what He wanted to tell me. More and more of the content enfolded and now I received a very personally fitting and encouraging guideline from it. -ULRIKE

Next Module: Good News! Modules do not need to be done in any particular order: (See Schedule Below).


Saturday, April 29th Module Three (12 Noon - 2:30 pm EST)

Hear What Students are Saying About GCSSM Prophetic Activation School


Upcoming Modules

GCSSM Prophetic Activation School Graduation | Saturday, May 27th, 2023 (12 Noon - 1:30 pm EST)


Saturday, March 25th Module Two (12 Noon - 2:30 pm EST)

Saturday, February 25th Module One (12 Noon - 2:30 pm EST)

Saturday, October 29th Module One (12 Noon - 2:30 pm EST)

Saturday, November 26th Module Two (12 Noon - 2:30 pm EST)

Saturday, January 28th Module Three (12 Noon - 2:30 pm EST)


Kalel Pratico is a gifted prophetic trainer based in New York City. Kalel has always been drawn to the prophetic realm and has spent years studying and developing his gift of prophecy. He has a unique ability to not only hear from God but to also teach and train others how to hear from Him as well.

Kalel is a natural teacher and has a gift for breaking down complex concepts into simple, easy-to-understand steps. His prophetic training sessions are always well-organized, engaging, and impactful. He has a way of creating a safe and encouraging environment where his students feel free to take risks in their own prophetic journey.

He is dedicated to using his gift to serve others and to help them grow in their own prophetic journey. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned prophet, Kalel's prophetic training sessions are sure to take your gift to the next level.